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Gender:  Female
Age:  125
Location:  Canada
Occupation:  Teacher
Interests:  Environment, Film, Health, Human Rights, Life.
F. Books:  Love in the Time of Cholera, Naked, The Idiot.
F. Music:  Bach, Blues, Lennon, Motown.
F. TV Shows:  The Daily Show, The Passionate Eye.
F. Movies:  Born Into Brothels, Some Like It Hot.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteAfter sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with color, bountiful with life. Within decades we must close our eyes again. Isn’t it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it? This is how I answer when I am asked—as I am surprisingly often—why I bother to get up in the mornings.

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