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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We are very pleased to have been selected by Sun Edison as their strategic partner for photovoltaic inverters on their upcoming projects. Our experience in providing commercial grade inverters combined with the timely release of the highest capacity, highest efficiency inverter in the photovoltaic marketplace positioned us to secure this important relationship. This relationship with Sun Edison will allow us to be more responsive to their project timelines and customers, and represents a 'win-win' scenario for all parties. The timing of this agreement could not be any better in view of the emerging national consensus emphasizing the importance of solar energy as a contributor to energy independence for the United States.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We are pleased to have been selected by Azure Dynamics for this particular project. Azure Dynamics has done an excellent job identifying early adopting markets for alternative electric and hybrid electric technologies. Our technologies and products are a great fit for their particular applications and we look forward to continuing to be an important supplier to Azure Dynamics.”

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