“Evil working in subtler fashion; marriages that proved to be no more then legalized slavery, and the careful manipulation of a bright and sensitive mind until its owner truly believed with all her heart in her own worthlessness. Betrayal, not once, but many times over.”
“Why should you find a mind attractive enough to put up with a crippled, aging body? I'm half again your age-why is it that when we're talking you make me feel no age at all? or every age? How is it that you challenge my mind as well as my heart? How did you make me come alive again?”
“There's always going to be fighting. People of honor have to be a part of that, because if they aren't, the only ones fighting will be the ones who don't care, who have no honor, and no concern for how many others die if all the fighting is done by people with no conscience, there won't be any safety anywhere for the people who only want peace.”
“Time doesn't. All that Time does is make it more distant, put more space between you and what happened. It doesn't heal anything. I don't know how or what does the healing, but it isn't Time.”
“These are my friends, my family. It would be hell on earth to spend the rest of my life leading them into situations where some of them are going to get killed... but it would be worse watching someone well-meaning but incompetent or untrained double those deaths.”
“It makes sense for people who are good at fighting to go out and do it-because if they're good at it, that means the fewest number of other people die.”
“If there are going to be people out there making war on other people, don't you think it's a good idea for some of those people to at least follow a code of ethics? Not 'honor' but something you can pin down and be sure of, something with the same rules for everybody.”