by Mark Lugris
At, there is an infinite collection of funny quotes since users continually contribute their own. Funny quotes include one-liners, smart comebacks, misused metaphors and classic lines from film and television. Often unintentional, funny quotes, are a cornerstone of our popular culture. In endless supply, funny quotes find their way into our conversations and lighten our daily interactions.
When it comes to funny quotes trust Seinfeld, the king of water cooler conversations during the 90s. Luckily, there was life after the sitcom and funny quotes continue to embellish our banter. Nowadays, we can surely count on Chris Rock, Mike Myers or countless television and film stars for funny quotes.
As Chris Rock proves, self-effacing funny quotes often work best. No one likes a middle-aged class clown, so when choosing funny quotes, err on the side of subtlety. As Mae West assured, it is best to choose your audience wisely.
But funny quotes aren't limited to the flesh and blood characters. The Simpsons have given a whole generation an inestimable wealth of funny quotes. So whether your trying to crack up your friends or lighten the moment, funny quotes can bring a smile to someone's face, at which moment, you will realize you've just made a friend.
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